34 research outputs found

    Automatische Generierung adaptiver Modelle zur Simulation von Produktionssystemen

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    ï»żThe simulation of production and logistics processes is used today in a variety of industries. Simulation is used for the analysis, design, and optimization of production and logistics processes and their resource requirements and can be used here both in the planning, commissioning, and during the actual operation.The undisputed great potentials of material flow simulation stand against high costs and effort for implementing simulation models and conducting simulation studies. Due to the poor integration and standardization of the simulation and increasing demands of companies with respect to accuracy, flexibility, adaptability, speed, cost, and reusability the expenses for using simulation are increasing.One approach that has been attempted repeatedly for several years as a contribution to mitigate the cost of using simulation is the automatic generation of simulation models. Automatic model generation refers to different approaches permitting simulation models or parts of models to be produced by means of algorithms. So far, no approach has been published which yields good results for a broad spectrum of application areas and industries.In this work, a comprehensive framework for the integration and automation of the simulation was designed and validated. The framework consists of organizational, methodical, and prototypically technical components. In this context, it is argued that for a broad application of automatic model generation the use of standards is required. Specifically, the Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD) is proposed as useful standard and a reference implementation of the standard provides the basis for the entire work. The support of all simulation phases, i.e. not only model building but also the evaluation of alternatives, initialization, evaluation of results, etc. is ensured throughout the entire framework. Furthermore, model generation methods and procedures for representing dynamic behavior in simulation models were specifically classified and selected methods were implemented and presented.Ein Ansatz, der seit einigen Jahren immer wieder als ein Lösungsbeitrag fĂŒr eine bessere Nutzung der Simulation von Produktionsprozessen gerade in KMU’s betrachtet wird, ist die automatische Generierung von Simulationsmodellen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein umfassendes Rahmenwerk zur Integration bzw. Automatisierung der Simulation vorgestellt. Es wurden organisatorische, methodische als auch prototypisch technische Komponenten entworfen und validiert. Hierbei wird die These vertreten, dass eine breit anwendbare automatische Modellgenerierung allein durch die Nutzung von Standards zum Datenaustausch bzw. zur Konzeptmodellerstellung sinnvoll zu implementieren ist. Konkret wurde der Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD) Standard genutzt bzw. bildet dessen Referenzanwendung die Basis der Arbeit. Die UnterstĂŒtzung aller Simulationsphasen, d.h. nicht allein der Modellerstellung sondern auch der Alternativenbildung, Initialisierung, Ergebnisauswertung usw. wird in allen Komponenten durchgehend gewĂ€hrleistet. Weiterhin wurden konkret Modellgenerierungsmethoden und Verfahren zur Abbildung des dynamischen Verhaltens in Modellen klassifiziert und einzelne LösungsansĂ€tze vorgestellt.Auch im Buchhandel erhĂ€ltlich: Automatische Generierung adaptiver Modelle zur Simulation von Produktionssystemen / Sören Bergmann Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2014. XXXVII, 221 S. ISBN 978-3-86360-084-6 Preis: 31,20

    Automatische Generierung adaptiver und lernfÀhiger Modelle zur Simulation von Produktionssystemen

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    In diesem Beitrag wird ein Ansatz zur automatischen Modelgenerierung und -adaption vorgestellt. Augenmerk liegt vor allem auf der Einsatzmöglichkeit im gesamten Produkt- bzw. Produktionslebenszyklus sowie bei der Integration in die betriebliche IT Infrastruktur, dazu wird auf standardisierten Datenaustausch mittels des Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD) Information Model gesetzt. Weitere Kernpunkte stellen die automatische Validierung und die Beschreibung bzw. Ermittlung von Steuerstrategien, z.B. Reihenfolgeregeln in Puffern, die Speicherung von manuell ergÀnzten Objekten/Verhalten und die Modellinitialisierung, dar. Die Beschreibung einer ersten prototypischen Implementierung einzelner Aspekte in Plant Simulation runden den Beitrag ab

    Visualization and Interaction for Knowledge Discovery in Simulation Data

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    Discrete-event simulation is an established and popular technology for investigating the dynamic behavior of complex manufacturing and logistics systems. Besides traditional simulation studies that focus on single model aspects, data farming describes an approach for using the simulation model as a data generator for broad scale experimentation with a broader coverage of the system behavior. On top of that we developed a process called knowledge discovery in simulation data that enhances the data farming concept by using data mining methods for the data analysis. In order to uncover patterns and causal relationships in the model, a visually guided analysis then enables an exploratory data analysis. While our previous work mainly focused on the application of suitable data mining methods, we address suitable visualization and interaction methods in this paper. We present those in a conceptual framework followed by an exemplary demonstration in an academic case study

    Challenges for the Automatic Generation of Simulation Models for Production Systems

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    This paper is intended as an introduction of the challenges that exist in the area of automatic simulation model generation in the production and logistics context. As a work-in-progress paper, it firstly analyzes and classifies previous work; it then introduces the most relevant challenges and lastly presents potential solutions currently being investigated by a PhD thesis

    Basic layouts for modular assembly systems – a simulation-based comparison

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    The article discusses the challenges posed by increased individualization of products, shorter product life cycles, and external factors on the flexibility of modern production systems. In particular, flexible workshop-oriented manufacturing principles are being implemented to replace or supplement traditional assembly lines, with various terms such as "modular assembly" and "matrix production" etc. used to describe similar concepts. The article presents these concepts under the umbrella term of modular production or assembly systems, which utilize adaptable workstations and autonomous vehicles to transport production orders between stations. The design of such systems is crucial to their performance, with considerations such as task allocation, material supply, and fleet sizing requiring complex interplay. The article compares traditional matrix layouts with alternative options, such as single-lane pathways and non-matrix layouts like honeycomb or star shapes, using simulationbased analysis to evaluate their potential impact on system performance

    On the use of the Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD) standard: experiences and recommendations

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    The Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD) information model is defined by SISO standards SISO-STD-008-01-2012 and SISO-STD-008-2010. The main objective of CMSD is to facilitate interoperability between simulation systems and other information systems in the manufacturing domain. While CMSD is mainly intended as standardized data exchange format, its capabilities go beyond simple data exchange. Frequently CMSD based system descriptions are used for purposes of automatic simulation model generation. In this paper, we report on practical experiences using the CMSD standard for such purposes as well as for purposes of simulation model initialization and simulation output data collection. Based on our experiences we suggest potential enhancements for a future revision of the standard

    Epidemiology of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and direct self-injurious behavior in adolescents with a migration background : a representative study

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    Background: Data on the prevalence of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and direct self-injurious behavior in adolescents with a migration background are scarce. There are hints that this population is at risk. The aim of the study is to investigate the epidemiology of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and direct self-injurious behavior in adolescents with a migration background in Germany while taking gender-specific differences into consideration. Methods: A representative study with N = 10,638 students (mean age 14.91 years, SD = .73).) in the state of Lower Saxony in Germany was conducted. In the 2014–2015 school year, 672 classes were selected by randomly sampling different school types. The participation rate was 84.1%, excluding any classes for which the director refused to provide consent. A total of 49.8% were female adolescents, and 23.3% of the participants had a migration background. Target variables were assessed with items from the Ottawa Self-Injury Inventory, the Self-Harm Behavior Questionnaire and the Self-Harm Inventory, partly adapted. Results: Of all students, 7.6% had a lifetime history of suicide attempts, and 36.6% answered with a rating of at least “rarely” when asked to rate the lifetime prevalence of suicidal ideation. The 12-month prevalence of direct self-injurious behavior was 17.8%. Adolescents with a migration background showed a significantly higher prevalence of all three constructs (p = .006; p < .001; p = .006). Male students with a migration background reported a significantly higher lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts (4.7% vs. 3.1%) than native males (p = .009). Female students with a migration background reported a significantly higher lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts (15.9% vs. 10.4%) and suicidal ideation (“often” 12.1% vs. 8.9%) than native female students (p < .001; p = .008). Conclusion: Our assessment indicates an elevated risk for suicidal behaviors in adolescents with a migration background. From research on adults, it is known that the dominant motives for suicidal behavior in migrants are associated with their migration history/situation. As suggested by Cramer and Kapusta’s (Front Psychol 8:1756, 2017) theoretical model, the Social-Ecological Framework of Theory, Assessment, and Prevention, there is a need for culturally sensitive preventions that take into account the specific reasons for suicide attempts in migrants

    Differential Influences of Parenting Dimensions and Parental Physical Abuse during Childhood on Overweight and Obesity in Adolescents

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    Besides other explanatory variables, parenting styles and parental violence might also be responsible for setting a path towards overweight/obesity in childhood. While this association has consistently been observed for adults, findings for adolescents still remain scarce and inconsistent. Therefore, the goal of this study is to add evidence on this topic for children and adolescents. Analyses are based on a sample of 1729 German, ninth-grade students. To analyze associations between parenting dimensions and weight status, non-parametric conditional inference trees were applied. Three gender-specific pathways for a heightened risk of overweight/obesity were observed: (1) female adolescents who report having experienced severe parental physical abuse and medium/high parental warmth in childhood; (2) male adolescents who report having experienced low or medium parental monitoring in childhood; and (3) this second pathway for male adolescents is more pronounced if the families receive welfare. The importance of promoting parenting styles characterized by warmth and a lack of physical abuse is also discussed. This is one of only a few studies examining the association of parenting dimensions/parental physical abuse and weight status in adolescence. Future studies should include even more parenting dimensions, as well as parental physical abuse levels, in order to detect and untangle gender-specific effects on weight status

    Energetische Sanierung von BestandsgebÀuden oder Neubau : ökologische Bewertung hinsichtlich Materialbedarf, PrimÀrenergieverbrauch und damit verbundenen Treibhausgas-Emissionen ; Endbericht

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    Die Bauindustrie und die Immobilienwirtschaft gehören zu den ressourcenintensivsten Sektoren der heutigen Zeit. JĂ€hrlich werden Millionen Tonnen mineralischer Rohstoffe, Metalle, Holz, Kunststoff, Glas und anderen Materialien fĂŒr die Erstellung und Sanierung von WohngebĂ€uden genutzt. Auch die Herstellung von Zement ist als ein Hauptbestandteil von Beton mit enormen Treibhausgas-Emissionen verbunden. Der Neubau, die Sanierung und der Abriss von GebĂ€uden sorgt zudem fĂŒr große Mengen Bau- und AbbruchabfĂ€lle. FĂŒr die Immobilienwirtschaft stellt sich daher die Frage, wie sie ihren GebĂ€udebestand ökologisch optimieren kann. Doch was wiegt ökologisch stĂ€rker: der Mehrbedarf an Rohstoffen und die anfallenden Abfallmengen bei Abriss und Neubau oder die ressourcenintensivere Nutzungsphase von sanierten BestandsgebĂ€uden, wenn deren energetische QualitĂ€t niedriger ist als bei Neubauten? Vor diesem Hintergrund hat das Wohnungsunternehmen LEG das Wuppertal Institut beauftragt, anhand von drei exemplarischen LEG-GebĂ€uden die energetische GebĂ€udesanierungen im Vergleich zur Alternative eines Abrisses und Neubaus ökologisch zu bewerten. Im Fokus der Untersuchung standen dabei der PrimĂ€renergieverbrauch, die damit verbundenen Treibhausgas-Emissionen der Nutzungsphase sowie die gespeicherte Graue Energie der GebĂ€ude und den hiermit verbundenen Treibhausgas-Emissionen. Nun liegen die Studienergebnisse vor: Wird der gesamte Lebenszyklus berĂŒcksichtigt, verursacht die energetische Sanierung nur die HĂ€lfte der CO2-FußabdrĂŒcke eines Neubaus. Um das Ziel zu erreichen, mĂŒsse der Weg zur Elektrifizierung von Heizsystemen noch beschleunigt und damit die AbhĂ€ngigkeit von fossilen EnergietrĂ€gern verringert werden. Zwar gleicht der Neubau das Ungleichgewicht zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage aus und hat damit einen sozialen Wert, eine Alternative zur Sanierung in BestĂ€nden ist er aus ökologischer Sicht allerdings nicht

    Jugendliche in Niedersachsen

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    JUGENDLICHE IN NIEDERSACHSEN Jugendliche in Niedersachsen / Bergmann, Marie Christine (Rights reserved) ( -